Firstpage.php < form method = "post" action = "secondpage.php" > < input type = "text" id = "amount" name = "amount" value = "" /> < select id = "currencyCode" name = "currencyCode" > < option value = "524" > NPR </ option > < option value = "840" > Dollar </ option > </ select > < textarea name = "productDesc" id = "productDesc" ></ textarea > < input type = "submit" id = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Submit data" /> </ form > Secondpage.php <?php $var_value = $_POST [ 'amount' ]; $currencyCode = $_POST [ 'currencyCode' ]; $productdesc = $_POST [ 'productDesc' ]; $cost = $var_value * 100 ; //product_cost//;// $รง = str_pad(rand(1000...
Create new laravel project : laravel new projectname --auth Steps to integrate admin pannel i.e. adminlte 1. composer require jeroennoten/laravel-adminlte 2. php artisan adminlte:install 3. php artisan adminlte:install --only=auth_views 4. php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JeroenNoten\LaravelAdminLte\AdminLteServiceProvider" --tag=views Filemanager: 1. composer require unisharp/laravel-filemanager:~1.8 php artisan vendor:publish --tag = lfm_config php artisan vendor:publish --tag = lfm_public 3. php artisan route:clear php artisan config:clear you will get a problem regarding file relode after upload and to solve do this fix it on vendor\unisharp\laravel-filemanager\src\Controllers\UploadController.php replace line 60 return count($this->errors) > 0 ? $this->errors : parent::$success_response; by return count($this->errors) > 0 ? ...